Source code for cowidev.cmd.commons.utils

import collections
import ast
from dataclasses import dataclass
import click

from cowidev.utils.slackapi import SlackAPI
from cowidev.utils.utils import get_traceback

[docs]def feedback_log( func, server, domain, step=None, text_success="", hide_success=False, channel="#corona-data-updates", **function_kwargs, ): if step is None: header = domain else: header = f"{domain} - [{step}]" try: func(**function_kwargs) except Exception as err: if server: StepReport( title=f"{header} step failed", trace=get_traceback(err), type="error", ).to_slack(channel) else: raise err else: if server and not hide_success: StepReport( title=f"{header} step ran successfully", text=text_success, type="success", ).to_slack(channel)
[docs]class OptionEatAll(click.Option): """From""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.save_other_options = kwargs.pop("save_other_options", True) nargs = kwargs.pop("nargs", -1) assert nargs == -1, "nargs, if set, must be -1 not {}".format(nargs) super(OptionEatAll, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._previous_parser_process = None self._eat_all_parser = None
[docs] def add_to_parser(self, parser, ctx): def parser_process(value, state): # method to hook to the parser.process done = False value = [value] if self.save_other_options: # grab everything up to the next option print(state.rargs) while state.rargs and not done: for prefix in self._eat_all_parser.prefixes: if state.rargs[0].startswith(prefix): done = True if not done: value.append(state.rargs.pop(0)) else: # grab everything remaining value += state.rargs state.rargs[:] = [] value = tuple(value) # call the actual process self._previous_parser_process(value, state) retval = super(OptionEatAll, self).add_to_parser(parser, ctx) for name in self.opts: our_parser = parser._long_opt.get(name) or parser._short_opt.get(name) if our_parser: self._eat_all_parser = our_parser self._previous_parser_process = our_parser.process our_parser.process = parser_process break return retval
[docs]class PythonLiteralOption(click.Option): """From"""
[docs] def type_cast_value(self, ctx, value): if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): return value if value is None: return [] try: return ast.literal_eval(value) except: try: return value.split(",") except: raise click.BadParameter(value)
[docs]def normalize_country_name(country_name: str): return country_name.strip().replace("-", "_").replace(" ", "_").lower()
[docs]def _comma_separated_to_list(x): return [c for c in x.split(",")]
[docs]@dataclass class Country2Module: modules_name: list country_to_module: list modules_name_incremental: list = None modules_name_batch: list = None
[docs] def parse(self, countries): if isinstance(countries, str): countries = _comma_separated_to_list(countries) countries = [normalize_country_name(c) for c in countries] if len(countries) == 1: if countries[0].lower() == "all": return self.modules_name elif countries[0] == "incremental": return self.modules_name_incremental elif countries[0] == "batch": return self.modules_name_batch if len(countries) >= 1: # Verify validity of countries self._check_countries(countries) # Get module equivalent names modules = [self.country_to_module[country] for country in countries] return modules return []
[docs] def _check_countries(self, countries): countries_wrong = [c for c in countries if c not in self.country_to_module] countries_valid = sorted(list(self.country_to_module.keys())) if countries_wrong: raise ValueError(f"Invalid countries: {countries_wrong}. Valid countries are: {countries_valid}")
# raise ValueError("Invalid country")
[docs]class OrderedGroup(click.Group): """From""" def __init__(self, name=None, commands=None, **attrs): super(OrderedGroup, self).__init__(name, commands, **attrs) #: the registered subcommands by their exported names. self.commands = commands or collections.OrderedDict()
[docs] def list_commands(self, ctx): return self.commands
[docs]class StepReport: def __init__(self, title: str, type: str, text: str = "", trace: str = ""): self.title = title self.text = text self.type = type self.trace = trace def __str__(self): return f"{self.type}: {self.text}"
[docs] def to_slack(report, channel="#corona-data-updates"): client = SlackAPI() kwargs = { "channel": channel, "title": report.title, "message": report.text, "trace": report.trace, } if report.type == "error": client.send_error(**kwargs) elif report.type == "warning": client.send_warning(**kwargs) elif report.type == "success": client.send_success(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown report status: {report.type}")