Source code for cowidev.cmd.vax.process.utils

import tempfile
import os
from typing import List
import json

import pandas as pd

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import pandas as pd

from cowidev.utils.clean import clean_urls, clean_date
from cowidev.utils.clean.dates import DATE_FORMAT
from cowidev.utils.gdrive.gsheets import GSheetApi
from cowidev.utils.params import SECRETS
from cowidev.vax.utils.checks import country_df_sanity_checks

[docs]def process_location(df: pd.DataFrame, monotonic_check_skip: list = [], anomaly_check_skip: list = []) -> pd.DataFrame: # print(df.tail(1)) # Only report up to previous day to avoid partial reporting df = df.assign(date=pd.to_datetime(, dayfirst=True)) if > ( + timedelta(days=1)): raise ValueError(f"{df.location.values[0]} -- Date in the future!") df = df[ <] # Default columns for second doses if "people_vaccinated" not in df: df = df.assign(people_vaccinated=pd.NA) df.people_vaccinated = df.people_vaccinated.astype("Int64") if "people_fully_vaccinated" not in df: df = df.assign(people_fully_vaccinated=pd.NA) df.people_fully_vaccinated = df.people_fully_vaccinated.astype("Int64") if "total_boosters" not in df: df = df.assign(total_boosters=pd.NA) df.total_boosters = df.total_boosters.astype("Int64") # Avoid decimals cols = [ "total_vaccinations", "people_vaccinated", "people_partly_vaccinated", "people_fully_vaccinated", "total_boosters", ] cols = df.columns.intersection(cols).tolist() df[cols] = df[cols].astype(float).astype("Int64").fillna(pd.NA) # Order columns and rows usecols = [ "location", "date", "vaccine", "source_url", ] + cols usecols = df.columns.intersection(usecols).tolist() df = df[usecols] df = df.sort_values(by="date") # Sanity checks country_df_sanity_checks( df, monotonic_check_skip=monotonic_check_skip, anomaly_check_skip=anomaly_check_skip, ) # Strip df = df.applymap(lambda x: x.strip() if isinstance(x, str) else x) # Date format df = df.assign( # Clean URLs df = clean_urls(df) return df
[docs]class VaccinationGSheet: _api = GSheetApi() sheet_id = SECRETS.vaccinations.sheet_id __sheet = None __sheets = None @property def sheets(self): if self.__sheets is None: self.__sheets = self._api.sheets return self.__sheets @property def sheet(self): if self.__sheet is None: self.__sheet = self._api.get_sheet(self.sheet_id) return self.__sheet
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, path: str): """Load sheet from config file.""" with open(path, "rb") as f: conf = json.load(f) return cls( credentials=conf["google_credentials"], sheet_id=conf["google_spreadsheet_vax_id"], )
@property def metadata(self): return self.get_metadata()
[docs] def get_metadata(self, refresh: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get metadata from LOCATIONS tab.""" if refresh: self.sheet = self._api.get_sheet(self.sheet_id) metadata = self.sheet.first_sheet.to_frame() self._check_metadata(metadata) self.disabled_countries = metadata.loc[-metadata["include"], "location"].values metadata = metadata[metadata["include"]].sort_values(by="location") return metadata
[docs] def _check_metadata(self, df: pd.DataFrame): """Check metadata LOCATIONS tab has valid format.""" # Check columns cols_stable = [ "location", "source_name", "automated", "include", ] cols_extra = [ "1d_approved", "1d_used", "1d_codeready", "WHO_from", "WHO_to", ] cols = cols_stable + cols_extra cols_missing = [col for col in cols if col not in df.columns] cols_wrong = [col for col in df.columns if col not in cols] if cols_missing: raise ValueError(f"LOCATIONS missing column(s): {cols_missing}.") if cols_wrong: raise ValueError(f"LOCATIONS has invalid column(s): {cols_wrong}.") # Check duplicated rows location_counts = df.location.value_counts() if (location_counts > 1).any(None): locations_dup = location_counts[location_counts > 1].index.tolist() raise ValueError(f"Duplicated location(s) found in LOCATIONS. Check {locations_dup}") if df[cols_stable].isnull().any(None): raise ValueError("Check LOCATIONS. Some fields missing (empty / NaNs)") # Ensure booleanity of columns automated, include if not df.automated.isin([True, False]).all(): vals = df.automated.unique() raise ValueError(f"LOCATIONS column `automated` should only contain TRUE/FALSE. Check {vals}") if not df.include.isin([True, False]).all(): vals = df.include.unique() raise ValueError(f"LOCATIONS column `include` should only contain TRUE/FALSE. Check {vals}")
@property def automated_countries(self): """Get list of countries with an automated process.""" return self.metadata.loc[self.metadata.automated, "location"].tolist() @property def manual_countries(self): """Get list of countries that require manual process.""" return self.metadata.loc[~self.metadata.automated, "location"].tolist()
[docs] def df_list(self, include_all: bool = False, refresh: bool = False) -> List[pd.DataFrame]: """Read non-automated files. Args: include_all (bool): Set to True to only load non-automated countries. refresh (bool): Set to True to get updated data from sheets. Returns: List[pd.DataFrame]: List with dataframe per country. """ if refresh: self.sheet = self._api.get_sheet(self.sheet_id) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: # Download tmpfile = os.path.join(tmpdirname, "%(sheet)s.csv") self.sheet.to_csv(make_filename=tmpfile) # Read all_files = os.listdir(tmpdirname) if include_all: filepaths = [os.path.join(tmpdirname, filepath) for filepath in all_files] else: exclude = ( ["LOCATIONS.csv"] + [f"{country}.csv" for country in self.automated_countries] + [f"{country}.csv" for country in self.disabled_countries] ) filepaths = [os.path.join(tmpdirname, filepath) for filepath in all_files if filepath not in exclude] df_list = [read_csv_and_check(filepath) for filepath in filepaths] self._check_with_metadata(df_list, filepaths) return df_list
[docs] def _check_with_metadata(self, df_list: list, filepaths: list): """Checks if country tabs are aligned with LOCATIONS metadata tab content.""" # Assumes df has location field, which only presents a value tab_locations = [df.location.unique()[0] for df in df_list] counts = pd.value_counts(tab_locations) if (counts > 1).any(None): duplicated_tabs = counts[counts > 1].index.tolist() raise ValueError(f"Duplicated location(s)! Location(s) {duplicated_tabs} were found in multiple tabs.") # Find missing tabs / missing entries metadata_missing = [loc for loc in tab_locations if loc not in self.manual_countries] tab_missing = [loc for loc in self.manual_countries if loc not in tab_locations] error_msg = [] if metadata_missing: error_msg.append(f"Tab containing a location missing in LOCATIONS: {str(metadata_missing)}") if tab_missing: error_msg.append( f"Location found in LOCATIONS but no tab with such location was found: {str(tab_missing)}" ) if error_msg: error_msg = "\n".join(error_msg) raise ValueError(error_msg)
[docs]def read_csv_and_check(filepath): # Read try: df = pd.read_csv( filepath, # parse_dates=["date"], # dayfirst=True ) except Exception: raise ValueError(f"Check the spreadsheet corresponding to {filepath}") location = df.loc[:, "location"].unique() # Date check try: df = df.assign(date=pd.to_datetime(df["date"], format=DATE_FORMAT)) except Exception: raise ValueError(f"{location} -- Invalid date format! Should be %Y-%m-%d. Check {}.") if not raise ValueError(f"{location} -- Check that date field is monotonically increasing.") # Checks country_df_sanity_checks(df, anomalies=False) return df