Source code for cowidev.jhu.__main__

"""Collect JHU Cases/Deaths data"""
import os

from termcolor import colored

from cowidev import PATHS
from cowidev.jhu.process import standardize_data, standard_export, inject_population, ZERO_DAY
from cowidev.jhu.utils import print_err
from cowidev.jhu.load import load_data, load_owid_continents, load_population
from cowidev.jhu.subnational import create_subnational
from cowidev.utils.utils import export_timestamp
from cowidev.grapher.db.utils.slack_client import send_warning
from cowidev.grapher.db.utils.db_imports import import_dataset
from cowidev.utils.slackapi import SlackAPI

ERROR = colored("[Error]", "red")
WARNING = colored("[Warning]", "yellow")

DATASET_NAME = "COVID-19 - Johns Hopkins University"

API = SlackAPI()

[docs]def check_data_correctness(df, logger, server): """Check that everything is alright in df""" errors = 0 # Check that every country name is standardized df_uniq = df[["Country/Region", "location"]].drop_duplicates() if (msk := df_uniq["location"].isnull()).any(): print_err("\n" + ERROR + " Could not find OWID names for:") print_err((countries := df_uniq.loc[msk, "Country/Region"].tolist())) if server: API.send_warning( channel="#corona-data-updates", title="JHU: Country missing!", message=f"Could not find OWID names for some countries: {countries}", ) # Drop missing locations for the further checks – that error is addressed above df = df.dropna(subset=["location"]) # Check for duplicate rows if df.duplicated(subset=["date", "location"]).any(): print_err("\n" + ERROR + " Found duplicate rows:") print_err(df[df.duplicated(subset=["date", "location"])]) errors += 1 # Check for missing population figures df_pop = load_population() pop_entity_diff = set(df_uniq["location"]) - set(df_pop["location"]) - set(["International"]) if len(pop_entity_diff) > 0: # this is not an error, so don't increment errors variable print("\n" + WARNING + " These entities were not found in the population dataset:") print(pop_entity_diff) print() formatted_msg = ", ".join(f"`{entity}`" for entity in pop_entity_diff) send_warning( channel="corona-data-updates", title="Some entities are missing from the population dataset", message=formatted_msg, ) if errors == 0:"Data correctness check %s.\n" % colored("passed", "green")) else: logger.error("Data correctness check %s.\n" % colored("failed", "red")) raise ValueError("Data correctness check failed. Read the logs (run `cowid jhu generate`)")
[docs]def export(df, logger): # Export locations df_loc = df[["Country/Region", "location"]].drop_duplicates() df_loc = df_loc.merge(load_owid_continents(), on="location", how="left") df_loc = inject_population(df_loc) df_loc["population_year"] = df_loc["population_year"].round().astype("Int64") df_loc["population"] = df_loc["population"].round().astype("Int64") df_loc = df_loc.sort_values("location") df_loc.to_csv(os.path.join(PATHS.DATA_JHU_DIR, "locations.csv"), index=False) # Process/standardise data df = standardize_data(df) # The rest of the CSVs succeed = standard_export(df, PATHS.DATA_JHU_DIR, DATASET_NAME) if succeed:"Successfully exported CSVs to %s\n" % colored(os.path.abspath(PATHS.DATA_JHU_DIR), "magenta")) else: logger.error("JHU export failed.\n") raise ValueError("JHU export failed.")
[docs]def generate_dataset(logger, server_mode, skip_download=False): if not skip_download:"\nAttempting to download latest CSV files...") download_csv() # Load data df = load_data() check_data_correctness(df, logger, server_mode) export(df, logger)"Generating subnational file…") create_subnational() # Export timestamp export_timestamp(PATHS.DATA_TIMESTAMP_JHU_FILE)
[docs]def download_csv(logger): files = ["time_series_covid19_confirmed_global.csv", "time_series_covid19_deaths_global.csv"] for file in files: os.system( f"curl --silent -f -o {PATHS.INTERNAL_INPUT_JHU_DIR}/{file} -L" f"{file}" )
[docs]def update_db(): import_dataset( dataset_name=DATASET_NAME, namespace="owid", csv_path=os.path.join(PATHS.DATA_JHU_DIR, DATASET_NAME + ".csv"), default_variable_display={"yearIsDay": True, "zeroDay": ZERO_DAY}, source_name="Johns Hopkins University CSSE COVID-19 Data", slack_notifications=False, )