Source code for cowidev.testing.batch.zambia

"""Constructs daily time series of COVID-19 testing data for Zambia.
ArcGIS Dashboard:

import datetime
import pandas as pd

from cowidev.testing import CountryTestBase
from cowidev.testing.utils import make_monotonic
from cowidev.utils.web import request_json

COUNTRY = "Zambia"
UNITS = "tests performed"
SOURCE_LABEL = "Government of Zambia"
    "f": "json",
    "where": "reportdt>=timestamp '2020-01-01 00:00:00'",
    "returnGeometry": False,
    "spatialRel": "esriSpatialRelIntersects",
    "outFields": "*",
    "orderByFields": "reportdt asc",
    "resultOffset": 0,
    "resultRecordCount": 32000,
    "resultType": "standard",
    "cacheHint": True,

[docs]class Zambia(CountryTestBase): location: str = "Zambia"
[docs] def get_data(self) -> pd.DataFrame: json_data = request_json(DATA_URL, params=PARAMS) df = pd.DataFrame([feat["attributes"] for feat in json_data["features"]]) df["reportdt"] = df["reportdt"].astype(int).apply(lambda dt: datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(dt / 1000)) df = df.rename(columns={"totalTests": "Cumulative total"}) df["Cumulative total"] = df["Cumulative total"].astype(int) # KLUDGE: there are a few days with two reports on the same day (but at # different times, like 10am vs 10pm). Upon inspection, it appears that the # latter reports (e.g. the 10pm reports) actually correspond to official cumulative # totals for the subsequent day (as determined by comparing to official updates # published on Twitter and Facebook). So I increment the date of these latter # reports by one. df = df.sort_values("reportdt") duplicate_idx = df.index[df["reportdt"]"first")] for idx in duplicate_idx: df.loc[idx, "reportdt"] = df.loc[idx, "reportdt"] + datetime.timedelta(days=1) df["Date"] = df["reportdt"].dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") df = df[["Date", "Cumulative total"]] df = df[df["Cumulative total"] > 0] df = df.groupby("Cumulative total", as_index=False).min() df = df.groupby("Date", as_index=False).min() # manual fix: drop incorrect data point on 2021-10-30 df = df.drop(index=df[df["Date"] == "2021-10-30"].index.values) df = df.drop(index=df[df["Date"] == "2022-04-03"].index.values) df = make_monotonic(df) return df
[docs] def export(self) -> None: df = self.get_data() df = df.sort_values("Date") df["Country"] = COUNTRY df["Units"] = UNITS df["Source URL"] = SOURCE_URL df["Source label"] = SOURCE_LABEL df["Notes"] = pd.NA df = df[ [ "Country", "Units", "Date", "Cumulative total", "Source URL", "Source label", "Notes", ] ] self.export_datafile(df)
[docs]def main(): Zambia().export()