Source code for cowidev.testing.incremental.singapore

import pandas as pd
import re
from datetime import timedelta

from cowidev.testing import CountryTestBase
from cowidev.utils import clean_count, clean_date
from cowidev.utils.web.scraping import request_text

[docs]class Singapore(CountryTestBase): location = "Singapore" units = "samples tested" source_url = "" source_label = "Ministry of Health Singapore"
[docs] def read(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Reads data from source.""" data = self._parse_data() df = self._build_df(data) return df
[docs] def _build_df(self, data: dict) -> pd.DataFrame: # Create dataframe df = pd.DataFrame([data]) # Create date range (check week distance) dt_min = self._load_last_date() + timedelta(days=1) dt = clean_date(df.Date.max(), "%Y-%m-%d", as_datetime=True) if ((days_diff := (dt - dt_min).days) != 6) & (days_diff != -1): raise ValueError(f"Date distance is no longer a week ({days_diff})! Please check.") ds = pd.Series(pd.date_range(dt - timedelta(days=6), dt).astype(str), name="Date") # Distribute week value over 7 days df = df.merge(ds, how="right") df = df.assign( **{ "Source URL": self.source_url, "Daily change in cumulative total": round(df["Daily change in cumulative total"].bfill()), } ) return df
[docs] def _read_art(self): text = request_text(self.source_url, mode="raw") table = pd.read_html(text, index_col=0)[5] art_count = clean_count(table.index[1].replace("~", "")) art_date = clean_date("Number of Reportable ART Swabs Tested \(as of (.*)\)", text).group(1), "%d %b %Y" ) art = (art_date, art_count) return art
[docs] def _read_pcr(self): text = request_text(self.source_url, mode="raw") table = pd.read_html(text, index_col=0)[9] pcr_count = clean_count(table.index[1].replace("~", "")) pcr_date = clean_date("Number of PCR Swabs Tested \(as of (.*)\)", text).group(1), "%d %b %Y") pcr = (pcr_date, pcr_count) return pcr
[docs] def _parse_data(self) -> list: # Read both source data and merge art = self._read_art() pcr = self._read_pcr() if art[0] == pcr[0]: record = { "Date": art[0], "Daily change in cumulative total": art[1] + pcr[1], } else: raise Exception("ART and PCR dates do not match") return record
[docs] def _load_last_date(self) -> str: """Loads the last date from the datafile.""" df_current = self.load_datafile() date = df_current.Date.max() return clean_date(date, "%Y-%m-%d", as_datetime=True)
[docs] def export(self): """Exports data to csv.""" df = self.export_datafile(df, attach=True)
[docs]def main(): Singapore().export()