Source code for cowidev.utils.annotations

import yaml
import pandas as pd

[docs]class AnnotatorInternal: """Adds annotations column. Uses attribute `config` to add annotations. Its format should be as: .. code-block:: { "vaccinations": [{ 'annotation_text': 'Data for China added on Jun 10', 'location': ['World', 'Asia', 'Upper middle income'], 'date': '2020-06-10' }], "case-tests": [{ 'annotation_text': 'something', 'location': ['World', 'Asia', 'Upper middle income'], 'date': '2020-06-11' }], } ``` Keys in config should match those in `internal_files_columns`. """ def __init__(self, config: dict): self.config = config
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, path): with open(path, "r") as f: dix = yaml.safe_load(f) return cls(dix)
@property def streams(self): return list(self.config.keys())
[docs] def add_annotations(self, df: pd.DataFrame, stream: str) -> pd.DataFrame: if stream in self.streams: print(f"Adding annotation for {stream}") return self._add_annotations(df, stream) return df
[docs] def _add_annotations(self, df: pd.DataFrame, stream: str) -> pd.DataFrame: df = df.assign(annotations=pd.NA) conf = self.config[stream] for c in conf: if not ("location" in c and "annotation_text" in c): raise ValueError( f"Missing field in {stream} (`location` and `annotation_text` are required)." ) if isinstance(c["location"], str): mask = df.location == c["location"] elif isinstance(c["location"], list): mask = df.location.isin(c["location"]) if "date" in c: mask = mask & ( >= c["date"]) df.loc[mask, "annotations"] = c["annotation_text"] return df