Source code for cowidev.utils.utils

import traceback
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import json
import ntpath
import os
import pytz
import tempfile

from xlsx2csv import Xlsx2csv
import pandas as pd

from cowidev import PATHS
from import download_file_from_url

[docs]def make_monotonic( df: pd.DataFrame, column_date: str, column_metrics: list, max_removed_rows=10, strict=False, new=False ) -> pd.DataFrame: # Forces vaccination time series to become monotonic. # The algorithm assumes that the most recent values are the correct ones, # and therefore removes previous higher values. if new: return make_monotonic_new(df, column_date, column_metrics, max_removed_rows) n_rows_before = len(df) dates_before = set( df_before = df.copy() df = df.sort_values(column_date) for metric in column_metrics: print(metric) while not (err := df[metric].ffill().fillna(0).is_monotonic): print(err) diff = df[metric].ffill().shift(-1) - df[metric].ffill() if strict: df = df[(diff > 0) | (diff.isna())] else: df = df[(diff >= 0) | (diff.isna())] dates_now = set( if max_removed_rows is not None: num_removed_rows = n_rows_before - len(df) if num_removed_rows > max_removed_rows: dates_wrong = dates_before.difference(dates_now) df_wrong = df_before[] # pd.set_option("expand_frame_repr", False) df_wrong = df_wrong[["date"] + column_metrics] # df_wrong = df_before[["date"] + column_metrics] raise Exception( f"{num_removed_rows} rows have been removed. That is more than maximum allowed ({max_removed_rows})" f" by make_monotonic() - check the data. Check \n{df_wrong}" # {', '.join(sorted(dates_wrong))}" ) return df
[docs]def make_monotonic_new( df: pd.DataFrame, column_date: str, column_metrics: list, max_removed_rows_per_chunk=10, ) -> pd.DataFrame: # Forces vaccination time series to become monotonic. # The algorithm assumes that the most recent values are the correct ones, # and therefore removes previous higher values. df = df.sort_values(column_date) df_before = df.copy() # Build and apply mask # diff = df[column_metrics].ffill().fillna(0).diff() for metric in column_metrics: # print(metric) while not (err := df[metric].dropna().is_monotonic): # print(err) diff = df[metric].bfill().shift(-1) - df[metric].bfill() msk = diff < 0 df.loc[msk, metric] = None # if strict: # msk = diff.isna() | (diff > 0) # else: # msk = diff.isna() | (diff >= 0) # Assign Nones to invalid cells # df.loc[:, column_metrics] = df[column_metrics].where(msk, other=None) # Check consecutive NaN within allowed range x = df[column_metrics].isna() & ~df_before[column_metrics].isna() for metric in column_metrics: y = x[metric] y = y * (y.groupby((y != y.shift()).cumsum()).cumcount() + 1) y[y.diff(-1) == -1] = 0 if (exceed := y > max_removed_rows_per_chunk).any(): num_chunks = sum(exceed) length_chunks = [str(yy) for yy in y[exceed].tolist()] dates_chunks = sorted(df_before.loc[exceed, "date"].tolist()) raise Exception( f"{num_chunks} chunks of lengths {', '.join(length_chunks)} have been NaNed for metric {metric}. That" f" is more than maximum allowed ({max_removed_rows_per_chunk}) by make_monotonic() - check the data." f" Check dates {dates_chunks}" ) # Drop rows with all-None values df = df.dropna(subset=column_metrics, how="all") return df
[docs]def series_monotonic(ds): diff = ds.ffill().shift(-1) - ds.ffill() return ds[(diff >= 0) | (diff.isna())]
[docs]def export_timestamp(timestamp_filename: str, force_directory: str = None, timestamp=None): if force_directory: timestamp_filename = os.path.join(force_directory, timestamp_filename) else: timestamp_filename = os.path.join(PATHS.DATA_TIMESTAMP_DIR, timestamp_filename) if timestamp is None: timestamp = datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() print(timestamp) with open(timestamp_filename, "w") as timestamp_file: timestamp_file.write(timestamp)
[docs]def time_str_grapher(): return ( - timedelta(minutes=10)).astimezone(pytz.timezone("Europe/London")).strftime("%-d %B %Y")
[docs]def get_filename(filepath: str, remove_extension: bool = True): filename = ntpath.basename(filepath) if remove_extension: return filename.split(".")[0] return filename
[docs]def xlsx2csv(filename_xlsx: str, filename_csv: str): if filename_xlsx.startswith("https://") or filename_xlsx.startswith("http://"): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: download_file_from_url(filename_xlsx, Xlsx2csv(, outputencoding="utf-8").convert(filename_csv) else: Xlsx2csv(filename_xlsx, outputencoding="utf-8").convert(filename_csv)
[docs]def pd_series_diff_values(a, b): common = set(a) & set(b) return {*set(a[-a.isin(common)]), *set(b[-b.isin(common)])}
[docs]def dict_to_compact_json(d: dict): """ Encodes a Python dict into valid, minified JSON. """ return json.dumps( d, # Use separators without any trailing whitespace to minimize file size. # The defaults (", ", ": ") contain a trailing space. separators=(",", ":"), # The json library by default encodes NaNs in JSON, but this is invalid JSON. # By having this False, an error will be thrown if a NaN exists in the data. allow_nan=False, )
[docs]def check_known_columns(df: pd.DataFrame, known_cols: list) -> None: unknown_cols = set(df.columns).difference(set(known_cols)) if len(unknown_cols) > 0: raise Exception(f"Unknown column(s) found: {unknown_cols}")
[docs]def get_traceback(e): lines = traceback.format_exception(type(e), e, e.__traceback__) return "".join(lines)