Source code for cowidev.vax.batch.denmark

import requests
import zipfile
import io
import tempfile
import os

import pandas as pd

from cowidev.utils import get_soup
from cowidev.utils.clean.dates import clean_date, localdatenow

from cowidev.vax.utils.base import CountryVaxBase
from cowidev.vax.utils.checks import VACCINES_ONE_DOSE

[docs]class Denmark(CountryVaxBase): location = "Denmark" source_url_ref = "" vaccines_mapping = { "AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine": "Oxford/AstraZeneca", "Janssen COVID-19 vaccine": "Johnson&Johnson", "Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine": "Moderna", "Moderna/Spikevax Covid-19 Vacc.": "Moderna", "Moderna/Spikevax Covid-19 0,5 ml": "Moderna", "Pfizer BioNTech Covid-19 vacc": "Pfizer/BioNTech", "Pfizer/Comirnaty Original/Omikron BA1": "Pfizer/BioNTech", } regions_accepted = { "Nordjylland", "Midtjylland", "Syddanmark", "Hovedstaden", "Sjælland", } date_limit_one_dose = "2021-05-27" @property def date_limit_one_dose_ddmmyyyy(self): return clean_date(self.date_limit_one_dose, "%Y-%m-%d", output_fmt="%d%m%Y")
[docs] def read(self, gap_days, bfill=True) -> pd.DataFrame: url = self._parse_link_zip() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tf: # Download and extract self._download_and_extract_data(url, tf) # Load data df = self._load_data(tf) if bfill: df_bfill = self._read_single_shots_bfill(index=gap_days) df = df.merge(df_bfill, on="date", how="left") df = df.assign( single_shots=df.single_shots_x.fillna(df.single_shots_y), single_shots_2nd=df.single_shots_2nd_x.fillna(df.single_shots_2nd_y), ) return df
[docs] def _load_data(self, path): df = self._read_data(path) df_ss = pd.DataFrame([self._read_single_shots_daily(path)]) df = df.merge(df_ss, on="date", how="left") return df
[docs] def _download_and_extract_data(self, url, output_path): r = requests.get(url) z = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(r.content)) z.extractall(output_path)
[docs] def _read_data(self, path) -> pd.DataFrame: path = _build_filepath(path, "Vaccine_dato.csv") df = ( _load_datafile(path) .rename( columns={ "Dato": "date", "Antal 1. stik": "people_vaccinated", "Antal 2. stik": "people_fully_vaccinated", "Antal 3. stik": "total_boosters", } ) # .groupby("date", as_index=False) # .sum() .sort_values("date") .transform( { "date": lambda x: x, "people_vaccinated": lambda x: x.cumsum(), "people_fully_vaccinated": lambda x: x.cumsum(), "total_boosters": lambda x: x.cumsum(), } ) ) return df
[docs] def _read_single_shots_bfill(self, index=None, date_limit=None): """Read single shots using bfill (iterates over old links)""" links = self._get_file_links_bfill(index=index, date_limit=date_limit) records = [] for link in links[:1]: # print("Back filling (single shots)", link) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tf: self._download_and_extract_data(link, tf) records.append(self._read_single_shots_daily(tf)) df = pd.DataFrame(records).drop_duplicates(subset=["date"], keep="last") return df
[docs] def _read_single_shots_daily(self, path) -> dict: # single shots path_ = _build_filepath(path, "Vaccine_type_region.csv") df = _load_datafile(path_) msk = df["Vaccinenavn"].replace(self.vaccines_mapping).isin(VACCINES_ONE_DOSE) single_shots = df.loc[msk, "Antal 1. stik"].sum() single_shots_2nd = df.loc[msk, "Antal 2. stik"].sum() # Check vaccine names vaccines_wrong = set(df.Vaccinenavn).difference(self.vaccines_mapping) if vaccines_wrong: raise ValueError(f"Unknown vaccine(s) {vaccines_wrong}") regions_wrong = set(df.Region).difference(self.regions_accepted) if vaccines_wrong: raise ValueError(f"Unknown region(s) {regions_wrong}") # Load date path_ = _build_filepath(path, "Vaccine_dato.csv") df = _load_datafile(path_) date = df.Dato.max() return { "date": date, "single_shots": single_shots, "single_shots_2nd": single_shots_2nd, }
[docs] def pipe_vaccine(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: def _enrich_vaccine(date: str) -> str: if date >= self.date_limit_one_dose: return "Johnson&Johnson, Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech" if date >= "2021-04-14": return "Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech" if date >= "2021-02-08": return "Moderna, Oxford/AstraZeneca, Pfizer/BioNTech" if date >= "2021-01-13": return "Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech" return "Pfizer/BioNTech" return df.assign(
[docs] def pipe_metrics(self, df: pd.DataFrame, df_current: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: # Merge current data with new df = df.merge(df_current, on="date", how="left") df = df.assign( single_shots=df.single_shots.fillna(df.single_shots_current), single_shots_2nd=df.single_shots_2nd.fillna(df.single_shots_2nd_current), ) df = df.assign( total_vaccinations=( df.people_vaccinated.ffill().fillna(0) # first dose + single shots + df.people_fully_vaccinated.ffill().fillna(0) # second doses (inc. from single shot vax) + df.total_boosters.ffill().fillna(0) # third dose ), people_fully_vaccinated=( df.people_fully_vaccinated.ffill().fillna(0) # second doses (inc. from single shot vax) + df.single_shots.ffill().fillna(0) # single shots - df.single_shots_2nd.ffill().fillna(0) # secon doses of single shots ), total_boosters=( df.total_boosters.ffill().fillna(0) # single shots + df.single_shots_2nd.ffill().fillna(0) # secon doses of single shots ), ) return df
[docs] def pipeline(self, df: pd.DataFrame, df_current: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return ( df.assign( location=self.location, source_url=self.source_url_ref, ) .pipe(self.pipe_vaccine) .pipe(self.pipe_metrics, df_current)[ [ "location", "date", "vaccine", "source_url", "total_vaccinations", "people_vaccinated", "people_fully_vaccinated", "total_boosters", "single_shots", "single_shots_2nd", ] ] )
[docs] def read_current(self): return pd.read_csv(self.output_path, usecols=["date", "single_shots", "single_shots_2nd"]).rename( columns={"single_shots": "single_shots_current", "single_shots_2nd": "single_shots_2nd_current"} )
[docs] def _get_num_gap_days(self, df_current): return ( localdatenow(tz=None, as_datetime=True) - clean_date(, "%Y-%m-%d", as_datetime=True) ).days
[docs] def export(self): # Read current df_current = self.read_current() # print(df_current.columns) index = self._get_num_gap_days(df_current) # Read new df =, df_current) # Export df.to_csv(self.output_path, index=False)
[docs]def _load_datafile(path): """Read csv file.""" df = pd.read_csv(path, encoding="iso-8859-1", sep=";") if len(df.columns) == 1: df = pd.read_csv(path, encoding="iso-8859-1", sep=",") return df
[docs]def _build_filepath(path, filename): """Build filepath.""" return os.path.join(path, "Vaccine_DB", filename)
[docs]def main(): Denmark().export()