Source code for cowidev.vax.batch.spc

from collections import defaultdict
import copy

import pandas as pd

from cowidev.utils.web import request_json
from cowidev.vax.utils.orgs import SPC_COUNTRIES
from cowidev.vax.utils.files import load_data
from cowidev.vax.utils.utils import make_monotonic
from cowidev.vax.utils.base import CountryVaxBase

from cowidev.vax.incremental.fiji import check_booster as fiji_booster

metrics_mapping = {
    "COVIDVACAD1": "people_vaccinated",
    "COVIDVACAD2": "people_fully_vaccinated",
    "COVIDVACBST": "total_boosters",
    "COVIDVACADT": "total_vaccinations",

# Dictionary containing vaccines being used in each country and their start date. Element 'default' is used for all
# countries not explicitly defined. None defaults to first date of vaccination campaign.
vaccines_startdates = {
    "New Caledonia": [
        ["Pfizer/BioNTech", None],
    "French Polynesia": [
        ["Johnson&Johnson, Pfizer/BioNTech", None],
    "Tokelau": [
        ["Pfizer/BioNTech", None],
    "Cook Islands": [
        ["Pfizer/BioNTech", None],
    "Wallis and Futuna": [
        ["Moderna", None],
    "Fiji": [["Oxford/AstraZeneca", None], ["Pfizer/BioNTech", "2021-11-15"], ["Moderna", "2021-07-20"]],
    "default": [
        ["Oxford/AstraZeneca", None],
country_codes_url = "+".join(SPC_COUNTRIES.keys())

[docs]class SPC(CountryVaxBase): location = "SPC" source_url = ( f",DF_COVID_VACCINATION,1.0/D.{country_codes_url}.?" "startPeriod=2021-02-02&format=jsondata" )
[docs] def read(self): # Get data # print(self.source_url) data = request_json(self.source_url) return self.parse_data(data)
[docs] def parse_data(self, data: dict): series = data["data"]["dataSets"][0]["series"] country_info = self._parse_country_info(data) metrics_info = self._parse_metrics_info(data) date_info = self._parse_date_info(data) vaccination_data = defaultdict(dict) for k, v in series.items(): _, country_idx, metric_idx = k.split(":") if metric_idx in metrics_info: vaccination_data[country_info[country_idx]][metrics_info[metric_idx]] = self._build_data_array( v["observations"], date_info ) return self._build_df_list(vaccination_data)
[docs] def _parse_country_info(self, data: dict): # Get country info country_info = data["data"]["structures"][0]["dimensions"]["series"][1] if country_info["id"] != "GEO_PICT": raise AttributeError("JSON data has changed") return {str(i): SPC_COUNTRIES[c["id"]] for i, c in enumerate(country_info["values"])}
[docs] def _parse_metrics_info(self, data: dict): # Get metrics info metrics_info = data["data"]["structures"][0]["dimensions"]["series"][2] if metrics_info["id"] != "INDICATOR": raise AttributeError("JSON data has changed") return { str(i): metrics_mapping[m["id"]] for i, m in enumerate(metrics_info["values"]) if m["id"] in metrics_mapping }
[docs] def _parse_date_info(self, data: dict): # Get date info date_info = data["data"]["structures"][0]["dimensions"]["observation"][0]["values"] return {str(i): d["name"] for i, d in enumerate(date_info)}
[docs] def _build_data_array(self, observations: dict, date_info: dict): return {date_info[k]: v[0] if len(v) == 1 else None for k, v in observations.items()}
[docs] def _build_df_list(self, data: dict): for k, v in data.items(): data[k] = self._build_df(v, k) return data
[docs] def _build_df(self, dix: dict, country: str): df = ( pd.DataFrame(dix) .dropna(how="all") .replace("", None) .astype("Int64") .drop_duplicates(keep="first") .reset_index() .rename(columns={"index": "date"}) .sort_values(by="date") .assign( location=country, source_url=( "[ds]=SPC2&df[id]=DF_COVID_VACCINATION&df[ag]=SPC&df" "[vs]=1.0" ), ) ) # Merge with legacy (spreadsheet) if country in ["Fiji", "Nauru", "Vanuatu"]: df = df.pipe(self.pipe_merge_legacy, country) # Drop duplicates df = df.pipe(self.pipe_drop_duplicates) # Enforce data consistency df.loc[ df.people_vaccinated < df.people_fully_vaccinated, ["people_vaccinated", "people_fully_vaccinated"], ] = pd.NA # Make monotonic df = df.pipe(make_monotonic) # Add vaccine info df = df.pipe(self.pipe_vacine, country) # Add Boosters if country in ["Fiji"]: try: fiji_booster() except: pass else: df = df.pipe(self.pipe_merge_boosters, country) return df
[docs] def pipe_merge_legacy(self, df: pd.DataFrame, country: str) -> pd.DataFrame: country = country.lower().replace(" ", "-") df_legacy = load_data(f"{country}-legacy") df_legacy = df_legacy[] return pd.concat([df, df_legacy]).sort_values("date")
[docs] def pipe_drop_duplicates(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: column_metrics = [ "people_vaccinated", "total_vaccinations", "people_fully_vaccinated", ] msk = df.people_vaccinated == 0 df.loc[msk, "people_fully_vaccinated"] = pd.NA df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=column_metrics) return df
[docs] def pipe_vacine(self, df: pd.DataFrame, country: str) -> pd.DataFrame: date_min = vax_date_mapping = self._pretty_vaxdates(country, date_min) def _enrich_vaccine(date: str) -> str: for dt, vaccines in reversed(vax_date_mapping): if date >= dt: return vaccines raise ValueError(f"Invalid date {date} in DataFrame!") return df.assign(
[docs] def _pretty_vaxdates(self, country, date_min): if country not in vaccines_startdates: country = "default" records = copy.deepcopy(vaccines_startdates[country]) # Substitute None by minimum date for i, (_, dt) in enumerate(records): if dt is None: records[i][1] = date_min # print(records) records = sorted(records, key=lambda x: x[1]) # Build mapping dictionary vax_date_mapping = [ (dt, ", ".join(sorted(r[0] for r in records[: i + 1]))) for i, (vax, dt) in enumerate(records) ] return vax_date_mapping
[docs] def pipe_merge_boosters(self, df: pd.DataFrame, country: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Adds the boosters data available in the csv.""" # Read the csv country = country.replace(" ", "-") filepath = self.get_output_path(country) df_current = pd.read_csv(filepath) # Pick only the relevant dates df_mod = df_current[] # Add the booster column df = df.assign( lambda x: df_mod.loc[ == x, "total_boosters"].values[0] if x in else None ) ) # Add boosters to total_vaccinations df["total_vaccinations"] = df[["total_vaccinations", "total_boosters"]].sum(axis=1) # Add the standalone booster rows df_current = df_current[] return pd.concat([df, df_current]).sort_values("date")
[docs] def export(self): data = for country, df in data.items(): self.export_datafile(df, filename=country)
[docs]def main(): SPC().export()