Source code for cowidev.vax.incremental.kosovo

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd

from cowidev.utils import get_soup, clean_count
from cowidev.utils.clean.dates import localdate
from cowidev.vax.utils.base import CountryVaxBase

[docs]class Kosovo(CountryVaxBase): location: str = "Kosovo" source_url: str = "" source_url_ref: str = "" regex: dict = { "Total": "Numri total i vaksinave të administruara", "Dose2": "Numri i të vaksinuarve me të dy dozat", "Dose3": "Numri i dozave të treta të administruara", "Boosters": "Numri i dozave përforcuese të administruara", }
[docs] def read(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Read data from source""" soup = get_soup(self.source_url, verify=False) df = self._parse_data(soup) return df
[docs] def _parse_data(self, soup: BeautifulSoup) -> pd.DataFrame: """Parse data from the soup""" # the dashboard URL link = soup.find("iframe", {"title": "Covid Dashboard"})["src"] if not link: raise ValueError("Dashboard not found, please update the script") soup = get_soup(link, verify=False) # the metrics metrics = self._parse_metrics(soup) # DataFrame df = pd.DataFrame( { **metrics, } ) return df
[docs] def _parse_metrics(self, soup: BeautifulSoup) -> int: """Parse metrics from the soup""" total = soup.find(text=self.regex["Total"]) dose2 = soup.find(text=self.regex["Dose2"]) dose3 = soup.find(text=self.regex["Dose3"]) boosters = soup.find(text=self.regex["Boosters"]) if not total or not dose2 or not dose3 or not boosters: raise ValueError("Metrics not found, please update the script") total_vaccinations = clean_count(total.parent.find_next().text) people_fully_vaccinated = clean_count(dose2.parent.find_next().text) total_boosters = clean_count(dose3.parent.find_next().text) + clean_count(boosters.parent.find_next().text) people_vaccinated = total_vaccinations - people_fully_vaccinated - total_boosters df = { "people_vaccinated": [people_vaccinated], "people_fully_vaccinated": [people_fully_vaccinated], "total_boosters": [total_boosters], "total_vaccinations": [total_vaccinations], } return df
[docs] def pipe_date(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Pipes date""" return df.assign(date=localdate("Europe/Tirane"))
[docs] def pipe_vaccine(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Pipes vaccine names.""" return df.assign(vaccine="Oxford/AstraZeneca, Pfizer/BioNTech")
[docs] def pipeline(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Pipeline for data processing""" return df.pipe(self.pipe_metadata).pipe(self.pipe_date).pipe(self.pipe_vaccine)
[docs] def export(self): """Exports data to csv""" df = self.export_datafile(df, attach=True)
[docs]def main(): Kosovo().export()