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Run OWID's ETL client.

Create ETL step templates, compare different datasets, generate dependency visualisations, synchronise charts across different servers, import datasets from non-ETL OWID sources, improve your metadata, etc.

Note: For a UI experience, refer to CLI etlwiz.




Name Type Description Default
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


  • archive: Archive one or more steps.
  • b: Run Backport tools.
  • chart-gpt: Add FASTT suggestions by chatGPT to pending chart revisions in admin.
  • chart-sync: Sync Grapher charts and revisions from an environment to the main environment.
  • chart-upgrade: Generate chart revisions in Grapher using MAPPING_FILE JSON file.
  • chart-upgrade: Process and update metadata using chatGPT tool.
  • cli: Post result of etl diff to Github PR.
  • compare: Compare two dataframes/tables/datasets in terms of their structure, values and metadata.
  • d: Run development tools.
  • diff: Compare all datasets from two catalogs and print out a summary of their differences.
  • explorer-update: Update one or more explorer (tsv) files.
  • graphviz: Generate a Graphviz DOT file to see all dependencies.
  • harmonize: Generate a dictionary with the mapping of country names to OWID's canonical names.
  • metadata-export: Export dataset, tables & indicator metadata in YAML format.
  • metadata-migrate: Generate (or update) the metadata YAML in a Grapher step based on an existing chart.
  • run: Generate datasets by running their corresponding ETL steps.
  • update: Update one or more steps to their new version, if possible.
  • variable-mapping-translate: Translate the variable mapping dictionary from from one environment to another.
  • variable-match: Match variable IDs from an old dataset to a new dataset's.

etl archive

Archive one or more steps.

This tool lets you move one or more data steps from their active to their archive dag.


Note: Remove the --dry-run if you want to actually write to the dag.

  • To archive a single step:

    $ etl archive data://meadow/aviation_safety_network/2022-10-12/aviation_statistics --dry-run

    Note that, since no steps are using this snapshot, the new snapshot will be added to the temporary dag.

  • To archive not only that step, but also the steps that use it:

    $ etl archive data://meadow/aviation_safety_network/2022-10-12/aviation_statistics --include-usages --dry-run


etl archive [OPTIONS] [STEPS]...


Name Type Description Default
--include-usages boolean Archive also steps that are directly using the given steps. Default: False. False
--dry-run boolean Do not write to dag. Default: False. False
--interactive / --non-interactive boolean Skip user interactions (for confirmation and when there is ambiguity). Default: False. False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl b

Run Backport tools.




Name Type Description Default
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


  • bulk: Backport in bulk.
  • fasttrack: Create Fast-track ready spreadsheet from an existing dataset.
  • migrate: Migrate existing dataset from MySQL into ETL.
  • run: Backport datasets.

etl b bulk

Backport in bulk.


etl b bulk [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--dataset-ids, -d integer N/A None
--dry-run / --no-dry-run boolean Do not add dataset to a catalog on dry-run False
--limit integer N/A 1000000
--upload / --skip-upload boolean Upload dataset to S3 True
--force / --no-force boolean Force overwrite even if checksums match False
--prune / --no-prune boolean Prune datasets from local snapshots that are not in DB anymore False
--backport / --skip-backport boolean Backport datasets, can be skipped if you only want to prune True
--data-metadata / --skip-data-metadata boolean Upload data & metadata JSON of variable to R2 False
--all / --no-all boolean Backport all datasets, even those without charts or archived False
--workers integer Thread workers to parallelize which steps need rebuilding (steps execution is not parallelized) 1
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl b fasttrack

Create Fast-track ready spreadsheet from an existing dataset.


  1. Add Google Sheets API and Google Drive API to your project in the Google Cloud Platform Console.
  2. Download the credentials as a JSON file and save it in the same directory as this notebook.
  3. Point env variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the credentials file.
  4. Share Fast-track template with the service account email address (e.g.

Example: etl b fasttrack --dataset-id 5546 --short-name democracy_lexical_index --no-backport


etl b fasttrack [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--dataset-id integer Dataset ID to migrate _required
--short-name text New short name to use, underscored dataset name by default None
--backport / --no-backport boolean Backport dataset before migrating True
--recreate / --no-recreate boolean Recreate the spreadsheet if it already exists False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl b migrate

Migrate existing dataset from MySQL into ETL.

It imports datasets into ETL from MySQL by creating: - Ingest script that downloads data from S3 backport - Garden step with YAML metadata - Grapher step

Example: etl b migrate --dataset-id 5205 --namespace covid --short-name hospital__and__icu --no-backport


etl b migrate [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--dataset-id integer Dataset ID to migrate _required
--namespace text New namespace _required
--version text New version latest
--short-name text New short name to use, underscored dataset name by default None
--backport / --no-backport boolean Backport dataset before migrating True
--force / --no-force boolean Force overwrite even if checksums match False
--dry-run / --no-dry-run boolean Do not add dataset to a catalog on dry-run False
--upload / --skip-upload boolean Upload dataset to S3 as snapshot True
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl b run

Backport datasets.


etl b run [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--dataset-id integer N/A _required
--force / --no-force boolean Force overwrite even if checksums match False
--dry-run / --no-dry-run boolean Do not add dataset to a catalog on dry-run False
--upload / --skip-upload boolean Upload dataset to S3 as snapshot True
--data-metadata / --skip-data-metadata boolean Upload data & metadata JSON of variable to R2 False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl chart-gpt

Add FASTT suggestions by chatGPT to pending chart revisions in admin.

This command gets a set of chart revision suggestions from the database, and queries chatGPT to get new suggestions for the title and subtitle of the chart. The new suggestions are then added to the database in an auxiliary table.

The new suggestions are available from the chart revision admin tool.


etl chart-gpt [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
-u, --user-id integer ID of the user. Use this to only get the revisions created by this particular user. By default will get revisions from all users. None
-i, --revision-id integer ID of the revision. Use this to only get a specific review. By default will get revisions from all users. None
-me, --only-mine boolean Use this to only modify those revisions created using your user id. Make sure that your environment variable GPT_SAMPLE_SIZE is properly set. If set, userid value will be ignored. False
-f, --overwrite boolean Use this to overwrite existing suggestions. That is, existing gpt suggestions for the retrieved revisions will be replaced. False
-s, --sample-size integer Number of reviews sampled from chatGPT. 3
-n, --model-name choice (gpt-3.5 | gpt-3.5-turbo | gpt-4) Choose chat GPT model version. By default uses gpt-3.5. gpt-3.5
-t, --system-prompt text Path to a custom chatGPT system prompt. None
--version boolean Show the version and exit. False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl chart-sync

Sync Grapher charts and revisions from an environment to the main environment.

It syncs the charts and revisions from SOURCE to TARGET. This is especially useful for syncing work from staging servers to production.

SOURCE and TARGET can be either name of staging servers (e.g. "staging-site-mybranch") or paths to .env files. Use "" as TARGET to sync to live.

  • Note 1: The dataset (with the new chart's underlying indicators) from SOURCE must exist in TARGET. This means that you have to merge your work to master and wait for the ETL to finish running all steps.

  • Note 2: Staging servers are destroyed after 1 day of merging to master, so this script should be run before that, but after the dataset has been built by ETL in production.

Considerations on charts:

  • Both published charts and drafts from staging are synced.
  • Existing charts (with the same slug) are added as chart revisions in target. (Revisions could be pre-approved with --approve-revisions flag)
  • You get a warning if the chart has been modified on live after staging server was created.
  • If the chart is unapproved in chart-diff, you'll get a warning and Slack notification
  • Deleted charts are not synced.

Considerations on chart revisions:

  • Approved chart revisions on staging are automatically applied in target, assuming the chart has not been modified.

Considerations on tags:

  • Tags are synced only for new charts, any edits to tags in existing charts are ignored.

Example 1: Run staging-sync in dry-run mode to see what charts will be updated

$ etl chart-sync staging-site-my-branch --dry-run

Example 2: Run it for real

etl chart-sync staging-site-my-branch

Example 3: Sync only one chart

etl chart-sync staging-site-my-branch --chart-id 123 --dry-run

Example 4: Update charts directly without creating chart revisions (useful for large datasets updates like population)

etl chart-sync staging-site-my-branch --approve-revisions


etl chart-sync [OPTIONS] SOURCE TARGET


Name Type Description Default
--chart-id integer Sync only the chart with this id. None
--approve-revisions / --keep-revisions boolean Directly update existing charts with approved revisions (i.e. skip chart revision). Useful for large updates. This still
creates a chart revision if the target chart has been modified. False
--staging-created-at text Staging server UTC creation date. It is used to warn about charts that have been
updated in production. Default is branch creation date. None
--include text Include only charts with variables whose catalogPath matches the provided string. None
--exclude text Exclude charts with variables whose catalogPath matches the provided string. None
--chartdiff / --no-chartdiff boolean Use approvals from chart-diff for syncing charts. False
--dry-run / --no-dry-run boolean Do not write to target database. False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl chart-upgrade

Generate chart revisions in Grapher using MAPPING_FILE JSON file.

MAPPING_FILE is a JSON file mapping "old variables" to "new" ones. Typically old variables belong to a dataset that you want to deprecate and replace with a new one, which contains the "new variables".

Note 1: Make sure that you are connected to the database. By default, it connects to Grapher based on the environment file found in the project's root directory "path/to/etl/.env".

Note 2: You should use the default --use-version option value, unless you are aware of the changes in the backend.


/* file: variable-mapping.json */
    2032: 147395,
    2033: 147396


etl chart-upgrade [OPTIONS] MAPPING_FILE


Name Type Description Default
--revision-reason, -r text Assign a reason for the suggested chart revision. None
-u, --use-version choice (0 | 1 | 2) Choose the backend version to use. By default uses latest version. 2
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl chart-upgrade

Process and update metadata using chatGPT tool.

You can learn more about this tool in our official documentation.


etl chart-upgrade [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--path-to-file text Path to the metadata file. None
--output-dir text Path to save the new metadata file. None
--overwrite boolean Overwrite input file if set to True. Otherwise, save the new file in the output directory. False
--model text Name of the model. gpt-3.5-turbo
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl cli

Post result of etl diff to Github PR.


$ etl owidbot etl/my-branch --services data-diff chart-diff --dry-run
$ etl owidbot owid-grapher/my-branch --services grapher --dry-run




Name Type Description Default
--services choice (data-diff | chart-diff | grapher) N/A None
--include text Include datasets matching this regex. garden
--dry-run / --no-dry-run boolean Print to console, do not post to Github. False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl compare

Compare two dataframes/tables/datasets in terms of their structure, values and metadata.


etl compare [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Name Type Description Default
--absolute-tolerance float The absolute tolerance for floating point comparisons. 1e-08
--relative-tolerance float The relative tolerance for floating point comparisons. 0.05
--show-values / --hide-values boolean Show a preview of the values where the dataframes are different. False
--show-shared / --hide-shared boolean Show the structural overlap of the two dataframes (shared columns, index columns and index values). False
--truncate-lists-at integer Print truncated lists if they are longer than the given length. 20
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


  • dataframes: Compare two DATAFRAME1 with DATAFRAME2.
  • grapher: Compare a dataset in the local database with the remote database.
  • table:

etl compare dataframes

Compare two DATAFRAME1 with DATAFRAME2.

It compares the columns, index columns and index values (row indices) as sets between the two dataframes and outputs the differences. Finally it compares the values of the overlapping columns and rows with the given threshold values for absolute and relative tolerance.

The exit code is: - 0 if the dataframes are equal - 1 if there is an error loading the dataframes - 2 if the dataframes are structurally equal but are otherwise different - 3 if the dataframes have different structure and/or different values.


etl compare dataframes [OPTIONS] DATAFRAME1 DATAFRAME2


Name Type Description Default
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl compare grapher

Compare a dataset in the local database with the remote database.

It loads the dataset from grapher/NAMESPACE/VERSION/DATASET. It compares dataset and variables metadata, and optionally the values from S3 with (use the --values flag for this). It does the comparison in the same way as the etl-catalog command.

The exit code is always 0 even if dataframes are different.


compare  --show-values grapher ggdc 2020-10-01 ggdc_maddison__2020_10_01 --values




Name Type Description Default
--remote-env path Path to .env file with remote database credentials.
--local-env path Path to .env file with remote database credentials. .env
--values boolean Compare values from S3 (can be both CPU and memory heavy!). False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl compare table

Compare a table in the local catalog with the analogous one in the remote catalog.

The table in the local catalog is loaded from CHANNEL/NAMESPACE/DATASET/{version}/TABLE. The value for {version} is given by the option --version. If not given, the latest local version of the dataset is compared with the latest remote version of the same dataset.

It compares the columns, index columns and index values (row indices) as sets between the two dataframes and outputs the differences. Finally it compares the values of the overlapping columns and rows with the given threshold values for absolute and relative tolerance.

The exit code is: - 0 if the tables are equal - 1 if there is an error loading the tables - 2 if the tables are structurally equal but are otherwise different - 3 if the tables have different structure and/or different values.




Name Type Description Default
--version text Version of catalog dataset to compare with. None
--debug boolean Print debug information. False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl d

Run development tools.




Name Type Description Default
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


  • d publish: Create a catalog-[channel].feather file inside etl/data with all tables in each channel.
  • map-datasets: Temporary script that prints the grapher dataset pairs that need to be (manually) given to the chart upgrader, based
  • prune: Prune data without steps in the DAG.
  • publish: Publish the generated data catalog to S3.
  • run-python-step: Import and run a specific step of the ETL.
  • scan-chart-diff: Scan all open PRs in the etl repository and run
  • version-tracker: Check that all DAG dependencies (e.g. make sure no step is missing).

etl d d publish

Create a catalog-[channel].feather file inside etl/data with all tables in each channel.

This enables catalog.find to be aware of what datasets currently exists. So, if for example you create a new dataset locally, you won't be able to find it in your local catalog unless you re-run reindex.


etl d d publish [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--channel, -c choice (garden | meadow | grapher | backport | open_numbers | examples | explorers | external) Reindex only the selected channel(s) (subfolders of data/) ('garden', 'meadow', 'grapher', 'backport', 'open_numbers', 'examples', 'explorers', 'external')
--include text Reindex only datasets matching pattern None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl d map-datasets

Temporary script that prints the grapher dataset pairs that need to be (manually) given to the chart upgrader, based on the committed changes in your current git branch.

NOTE: * This script should eventually be part of the new indicator upgrader, but for now it can be helpful as a CLI. * The logic may be more complicated than needed. It may suffice to find the newly created grapher datasets that do not yet have charts, and then attempt to find their corresponding previous version. But some of the code can be useful for other reasons (for example in the new chart diff tool).


etl d map-datasets [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl d prune

Prune data without steps in the DAG.


etl d prune [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--dag-path path Path to DAG yaml file /home/docs/checkouts/
--data-dir path Path to data directory /home/docs/checkouts/
--dry-run boolean Only print files that would be deleted False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl d publish

Publish the generated data catalog to S3.


etl d publish [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--dry-run boolean Preview the datasets to sync without actually publishing them. False
--private, -p boolean Publish private catalog. False
--bucket, -b text Bucket name. owid-catalog
--channel, -c choice (garden | meadow | grapher | backport | open_numbers | examples | explorers | external) Publish only selected channel (subfolder of data/), push all by default. ('garden', 'meadow', 'grapher', 'backport', 'open_numbers', 'examples', 'explorers', 'external')
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl d run-python-step

Import and run a specific step of the ETL.

Meant to be ran as a subprocess by the main etl command. There's a quite big overhead (~3s) from importing all packages again in the new subprocess.


etl d run-python-step [OPTIONS] URI DEST_DIR


Name Type Description Default
--ipdb boolean N/A False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl d scan-chart-diff

Scan all open PRs in the etl repository and run etl owidbot etl/branch --services chart-diff against them.


etl d scan-chart-diff [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--dry-run / --no-dry-run boolean Print to console, do not post to Github. False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl d version-tracker

Check that all DAG dependencies (e.g. make sure no step is missing).

Run all version tracker sanity checks.


etl d version-tracker [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--skip-db boolean True to skip connecting to the database of the current environment. False to try to connect to DB, to get a better informed picture of what steps may be missing or archivable. If not connected, all checks will be based purely on the content of the ETL dag. False
--warn-on-archivable boolean True to warn about archivable steps. By default this is False, because we currently have many archivable steps. False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl diff

Compare all datasets from two catalogs and print out a summary of their differences.

Compare all the datasets from catalog in PATH_A with all the datasets in catalog PATH_B. The catalog paths link to the data/ folder with all the datasets (it contains a catalog.meta.json file)

You can also use a path to a dataset.

Note that you can use the keyword "REMOTE" as the path, if you want to run a comparison with the remote catalog.

This tool is useful as a quick way to see what has changed in the catalog and whether our updates don't have any unexpected side effects.

Note: This command differs from etl compare in that it compares all the datasets and not two specific ones.

How does it work?

It uses source checksums to find candidates for comparison. Source checksum includes all files used to generate the dataset and should be sufficient to find changed datasets, just note that we're not using checksum of the files themselves. So if you change core ETL code or some of the dependencies, e.g. change in owid-datautils-py, core ETL code or updating library version, the change won't be detected. In cases like these you should increment ETL version which is added to all source checksums (not implemented yet).

Example 1: Compare the remote catalog with a local one

$ etl diff REMOTE data/ --include maddison

Example 2: Compare two local catalogs

$ etl diff other-data/ data/ --include maddison




Name Type Description Default
--channel, -c choice (garden | meadow | grapher | backport | open_numbers | examples | explorers | external) Compare only selected channel (subfolder of data/). ['garden', 'meadow', 'grapher']
--include text Compare only datasets matching pattern. None
--cols text Compare only columns matching pattern. None
--exclude, -e text Exclude datasets matching pattern. None
--verbose, -v boolean Print more detailed differences. False
--snippet boolean Print code snippet for loading both tables, useful for debugging in notebook False
--workers, -w integer Use multiple threads. 1
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl explorer-update

Update one or more explorer (tsv) files.

This command will update the content of one or more explorer (tsv) files, with the following logic: - If it is a file-based explorer, ensure URLs to data catalog point to the latest version of the data. - If it is an indicator-based explorer, ensure variable ids correspond to the latest versions of the variables.


etl explorer-update [OPTIONS] [EXPLORER_NAMES]...


Name Type Description Default
--explorers-dir text Path to explorer files. Default: /home/docs/checkouts/ /home/docs/checkouts/
--dry-run boolean Do not write to explorer files, simply print potential changes. Default: False. False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl graphviz

Generate a Graphviz DOT file to see all dependencies.

Saves the output as a file in OUTPUT_PATH.


etl graphviz [OPTIONS] OUTPUT_FILE


Name Type Description Default
--filter text Filter the DAG by regex None
--targets boolean Show target nodes. False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl harmonize

Generate a dictionary with the mapping of country names to OWID's canonical names.

Harmonize the country names in COLUMN of a DATA_FILE (CSV or feather) and save the mapping to OUTPUT_FILE as a JSON file. The harmonization process is done according to OWID's canonical country names.

The harmonization process is done interactively, where the user is prompted with a list of ambiguous country names and asked to select the correct country name from a list of suggestions (ranked by similarity).

When the mapping is ambiguous, you can use:

  • Choose Option [custom] to enter a custom name.
  • Type Ctrl-C to exit and save the partially complete mapping

If a mapping file already exists, it will resume where the mapping file left off.




Name Type Description Default
--institution, -i text Append '(institution)' to countries None
--num-suggestions, -n integer Number of suggestions to show per entity 5
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl metadata-export

Export dataset, tables & indicator metadata in YAML format.

Given a DATASET_PATH, load the corresponding dataset and export its metadata in YAML format (including table and indicator metadata). The metadata file and can be later edited manually. If the output YAML already exists, it will be updated with new values.

When can this be useful? - This is useful when some metadata fields have been created dynamically in the code and you want to see the final result. - To prefill the YAML metadata file with the list of indicators and tables in the dataset. Note that, when first created, an ETL step is not yet aware of the columns of the tables of the dataset. It only knows that once you've executed th step.

Example 1: Save to YAML file etl/steps/data/garden/ggdc/2020-10-01/ggdc_maddison.meta.yml

etl metadata-export data/garden/ggdc/2020-10-01/ggdc_maddison

Example 2: Show output instead of saving the file

etl metadata-export data/garden/ggdc/2020-10-01/ggdc_maddison --show


etl metadata-export [OPTIONS] DATASET_PATH


Name Type Description Default
-o, --output path Save output into YAML file. If not specified, save to *.meta.yml None
--show / --no-show boolean Show output instead of saving it into a file. False
--decimals text Add display.numDecimalPlaces to all numeric variables. Use integer or auto for autodetection. Disable with no. auto
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl metadata-migrate

Generate (or update) the metadata YAML in a Grapher step based on an existing chart.

This process pre-fills the indicator with all available metadata from the existing dataset (in the old format) and adds grapher configuration taken from the chart config (accessed via its chart slug).

Fields that are missing will be prefixed with 'TBD' and should either be filled in manually or removed. The description field needs to be restructured into new fields. This step could potentially be automated by ChatGPT in the future.

Note: It is designed for use with the --chart-slug option. The use of --uri in conjunction with other options has not been as thoroughly tested.

Example 1: Show generated YAML in console

STAGING=mojmir etl metadata-migrate --chart-slug political-regime --show

Example 2: Create YAML file in Grapher step

STAGING=mojmir etl metadata-migrate --chart-slug political-regime


etl metadata-migrate [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--chart-slug, -c text Slug of the chart to generate metadata for. Example: 'human-rights-index-vdem'. None
--uri, -u text URI of the dataset to generate metadata for. Example: 'happiness/2023-03-20/happiness'. None
--cols, -c text Only generate metadata for columns matching pattern. None
--table-name, -t text Table to select. None
--run-etl / --no-run-etl boolean Refresh ETL for the given dataset. True
--show, -s / --no-show boolean Show output instead of saving it into a file. False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl run

Generate datasets by running their corresponding ETL steps.

Run all ETL steps in the DAG matching the value of STEPS. A match is a dataset with an uri that contains the value of any of the words in STEPS.

Example 1: Run steps matching "mars" in the DAG file:

$ etl run mars

Example 2: Preview those steps that match "mars" or "prio" (i.e. don't run them):

$ etl run mars prio

Example 3: If you only want to preview what would be executed, use the --dry-run flag:

$ etl run mars prio --dry-run


etl run [OPTIONS] [STEPS]...


Name Type Description Default
--dry-run boolean Preview the steps without actually running them. False
--force, -f boolean Re-run the steps even if they appear done and up-to-date False
--private, -p boolean Run private steps. False
--grapher, -g / --no-grapher, -ng boolean Upsert datasets from grapher channel to DB (OWID staff only, DB access required) False
--ipdb boolean Run the debugger on uncaught exceptions. False
--backport, -b boolean Add steps for backporting OWID datasets. False
--downstream, -d boolean Include downstream dependencies (steps that depend on the included steps). False
--only, -o boolean Only run the selected step (no upstream or downstream dependencies). Overrides --downstream option. False
--exclude, -e text Comma-separated patterns to exclude None
--dag-path path Path to DAG yaml file /home/docs/checkouts/
--workers, -w integer Parallelize execution of steps. [1] 1
--use-threads, -t / --no-threads, -nt boolean Use threads when checking dirty steps and upserting to MySQL. Turn off when debugging. True
--strict, -s / --no-strict, -ns boolean Force strict or lax validation on DAG steps (e.g. checks for primary keys in data steps). None
--watch, -w boolean Run ETL infinitely and update changed files. False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl update

Update one or more steps to their new version, if possible.

This tool lets you update one or more snapshots or data steps to a new version. It will:

  • Create new folders and files for each of the steps.
  • Add the new steps to the dag, with the same header comments as their current version.


Keep in mind that:

  • If there is ambiguity, the user will be asked for confirmation before updating each step, and on situations where there is some ambiguity.
  • If new snapshots are created that are not used by any steps, they are added to a temporary dag (temp.yml). These steps are then removed from the temporary dag as soon as they are used by an active step.
  • All dependencies of new steps will be assumed to use their latest version possible.
  • Steps whose version is already equal to the new version will be skipped.


Note: Remove the --dry-run if you want to actually execute the updates in the examples below (but then remember to revert changes).

  • To update a single snapshot to the new version:

    $ etl update snapshot://animal_welfare/2023-10-24/fur_laws.xlsx --dry-run

    Note that, since no steps are using this snapshot, the new snapshot will be added to the temporary dag.

  • To update not only that snapshot, but also the steps that use it:

    $ etl update snapshot://animal_welfare/2023-10-24/fur_laws.xlsx --include-usages --dry-run

  • To update all dependencies of the climate change impacts explorer:

    $ etl update data://explorers/climate/latest/climate_change_impacts --include-dependencies --dry-run

    Note that the code of the explorers step itself will not be updated (since it has version "latest"), but its dependencies will be updated in the dag.


etl update [OPTIONS] [STEPS]...


Name Type Description Default
--step-version-new text New version for step. Default: 2024-05-08. 2024-05-08
--include-dependencies boolean Update also steps that are direct dependencies of the given steps. Default: False. False
--include-usages boolean Update also steps that are directly using the given steps. Default: False. False
--dry-run boolean Do not write to dag or create step files. Default: False. False
--interactive / --non-interactive boolean Skip user interactions (for confirmation and when there is ambiguity). Default: False. False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl variable-mapping-translate

Translate the variable mapping dictionary from from one environment to another.

Generate equivalent variable mapping file for the new DB. This is because the variable IDs for the same variables may differ between environments (local, staging or production environments). If you have the variable mapping for one of the environments, you can easily obtain the equivalent for another environment using this command.

A common use case is when you have the mapping for your local environment and wish to have the equivalent for the production environment. Instead of creating yet again the mapping for the production environment, simply run this command which will 'translate' the mapping you found for your local environment to one that is consistent with the production environment's variable IDs.


etl variable-mapping-translate [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
-e1, --env-file-1 text Path to the configuration file for connection 1. This file should contain all the environment variables required to connect to the SQL. Should be in the format of a .env file. _required
-e2, --env-file-2 text Path to the configuration file for connection 2. This file should contain all the environment variables required to connect to the SQL. Should be in the format of a .env file. _required
-m1, --mapping-file-1 text Path to the JSON file containing the variable mapping from connection 1. This file should have been previously created and curated by the user. See command etl variable-match to create this file. _required
-m2, --mapping-file-2 text Path where to store the newly generated variable mapping from connection 2. _required
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

etl variable-match

Match variable IDs from an old dataset to a new dataset's.

After a dataset has been uploaded to OWID's MySQL database, we need to pair new variable IDs with the old ones, so that all graphs update properly.

If the variable names are identical, the task is trivial: find indexes of old variables and map them to the indexes of the identical variables in the new dataset. However, if variable names have changed (or the number of variables have changed) the pairing may need to be done manually. This CLI helps in either scenario.


etl variable-match [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
-f, --output-file text Path to output JSON file. _required
-old, --old-dataset-name text Old dataset name (as defined in grapher). _required
-new, --new-dataset-name text New dataset name (as defined in grapher). _required
-s, --similarity-name text Name of similarity function to use when fuzzy matching variables. Default: partial_ratio. Available methods: token_set_ratio, token_sort_ratio, partial_ratio, partial_token_set_ratio, partial_token_sort_ratio, ratio, quick_ratio, weighted_ratio. partial_ratio
-a, --add-identical-pairs boolean If given, add variables with identical names in both datasets to the comparison. If not given, omit such variables and assume they should be paired. False
-m, --max-suggestions integer Number of suggestions to show per old variable. That is, for every old variable at most [--max-suggestions] suggestions will be listed. 10
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False