Source code for cowidev.hosp.etl

import os
from sys import modules
import time
import importlib
import json

from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import pandas as pd
from pandas.api.types import is_string_dtype

from cowidev import PATHS
from cowidev.utils.log import get_logger

logger = get_logger()

[docs]class HospETL:
[docs] def extract( self, modules: list, parallel: bool = False, n_jobs: int = -2, modules_skip: list = [], ): """Get the data for all locations. - Build preliminary dataframe with all locations data. - Build metadata dataframe with locations metadata (source url, source name, etc.) """ t0 = time.time() # Sources modules = [s for s in modules if s not in modules_skip] if modules == []:"HOSP - No data to be collected (check skipped countries)...") return None # Get data modules_execution_results = self.extract_collect(parallel, n_jobs, modules=modules) self._execution_summary(t0, modules_execution_results) # Export data (checkpoint) self.extract_export_checkpoint(modules_execution_results) # Process output df, df_meta = self.extract_process() return {"df": df, "meta": df_meta}
[docs] def extract_collect(self, parallel, n_jobs, modules): """Collects data for all countries""""HOSP - Collecting data...") if parallel: modules_execution_results = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, backend="threading")( delayed(self._extract_entity)( m, ) for m in modules ) else: modules_execution_results = [self._extract_entity(m) for m in modules] return modules_execution_results
[docs] def extract_export_checkpoint(self, modules_execution_results): """Exports downloaded data and metadata.""""HOSP - Saving checkpoint data...") for m in modules_execution_results: if m is not None: df = m[0] metadata = m[1] if isinstance(metadata, list): for metadata_ in metadata: df_ = df[df.entity == metadata_["entity"]] df_.to_csv( os.path.join(PATHS.INTERNAL_OUTPUT_HOSP_MAIN_DIR, f"{metadata_['entity']}.csv"), index=False, ) with open( os.path.join(PATHS.INTERNAL_OUTPUT_HOSP_META_DIR, f"{metadata_['entity']}.json"), "w" ) as outfile: json.dump(metadata_, outfile) else: df.to_csv( os.path.join(PATHS.INTERNAL_OUTPUT_HOSP_MAIN_DIR, f"{metadata['entity']}.csv"), index=False ) with open( os.path.join(PATHS.INTERNAL_OUTPUT_HOSP_META_DIR, f"{metadata['entity']}.json"), "w" ) as outfile: json.dump(metadata, outfile)
[docs] def extract_process(self): """Load checkpointed data.""""HOSP - Loading checkpoint data...") # Load & build data data_paths = [ os.path.join(PATHS.INTERNAL_OUTPUT_HOSP_MAIN_DIR, p) for p in os.listdir(PATHS.INTERNAL_OUTPUT_HOSP_MAIN_DIR) if p[-3:] == "csv" ] df = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(p) for p in data_paths]) # Load & buildmetadata metadata_paths = [ os.path.join(PATHS.INTERNAL_OUTPUT_HOSP_META_DIR, p) for p in os.listdir(PATHS.INTERNAL_OUTPUT_HOSP_META_DIR) ] metadata = [] for p in metadata_paths: with open(p, "r") as infile: metadata.append(json.load(infile)) df_meta = self._build_metadata(metadata) # Process output df = df.dropna(subset=["value"]) # Remove duplicates df = df.drop_duplicates() # subset=["date", "indicator", "entity"]) # Weird things df = df[ ~( (df.entity == "Serbia") & ( == "2020-03-09") & (df.indicator == "Daily hospital occupancy") & (df.value == 2) ) ] # Check duplicates = df[df.duplicated(subset=["date", "entity", "indicator"])] if len(duplicates) > 0: print(duplicates) raise Exception("Some entity-date-indicator combinations are present more than once!") return df, df_meta
[docs] def _build_metadata(self, metadata): """Build metadata dataframe (to be exported later to locations.csv).""" # Flatten list metadata = [[m] if not isinstance(m, list) else m for m in metadata] metadata = [mm for m in metadata for mm in m] # Build dataframe metadata = [ {"location": m["entity"], "source_name": m["source_name"], "source_website": m["source_url_ref"]} for m in metadata ] df_meta = pd.DataFrame.from_records(metadata) return df_meta
[docs] def _extract_entity(self, module_name: str): """Execute the process to get the data for a certain location (country).""" t0 = time.time() module = importlib.import_module(module_name)"HOSP - {module_name}: started") try: df, metadata = module.main() except Exception as err: logger.error(f"HOSP - {module_name}: ❌ {err}", exc_info=True) # raise Exception(f"Process for {module_name} did not work! Please check.") # return None else: self._check_fields_df(df) # Execution details t = round(time.time() - t0, 2) execution = { "module_name": module_name, "time": t, }"HOSP - {module_name}: SUCCESS ✅") return df, metadata, execution
[docs] def _check_fields_df(self, df): """Check format of the data collected for a certain location.""" assert df.indicator.isin( { "Daily hospital occupancy", "Daily ICU occupancy", "Weekly new hospital admissions", "Weekly new ICU admissions", } ).all(), "One of the indicators for this country is not recognized!" assert is_string_dtype(, "The date column is not a string!"
[docs] def _build_time_df(self, execution): """Build execution time dataframe.""" df_time = ( pd.DataFrame([{"module": m["module_name"], "execution_time (sec)": m["time"]} for m in execution]) .set_index("module") .sort_values(by="execution_time (sec)", ascending=False) ) return df_time
[docs] def _execution_summary(self, t0, modules_execution_results): """Print a summary from the execution (timings).""" execution = [m[2] for m in modules_execution_results if m is not None] df_time = self._build_time_df(execution) t_sec_1 = round(time.time() - t0, 2) t_min_1 = round(t_sec_1 / 60, 2) print("---") print("TIMING DETAILS") print(f"Took {t_sec_1} seconds (i.e. {t_min_1} minutes).") print(f"Top most time consuming scripts:") print(df_time.head(20)) print("---")
[docs] def pipe_metadata(self, df): print("Adding ISO & population…") shape_og = df.shape population = pd.read_csv(PATHS.INTERNAL_INPUT_UN_POPULATION_FILE, usecols=["entity", "iso_code", "population"]) df = df.merge(population, on="entity") if shape_og[0] != df.shape[0]: raise ValueError(f"Dimension 0 after merge is different: {shape_og[0]} --> {df.shape[0]}") return df
[docs] def pipe_per_million(self, df): print("Adding per-capita metrics…") per_million = df.copy() per_million.loc[:, "value"] = per_million["value"].div(per_million["population"]).mul(1000000).round(3) per_million.loc[:, "indicator"] = per_million["indicator"] + " per million" df = pd.concat([df, per_million], ignore_index=True).drop(columns="population") return df
[docs] def pipe_round_values(self, df): df.loc[-df.indicator.str.contains("per million"), "value"] = df.value.round() return df
[docs] def transform(self, df: pd.DataFrame): return ( df.pipe(self.pipe_metadata) .pipe(self.pipe_per_million) .pipe(self.pipe_round_values)[["entity", "iso_code", "date", "indicator", "value"]] .sort_values(["entity", "date", "indicator"]) )
[docs] def transform_meta(self, df_meta: pd.DataFrame, df: pd.DataFrame, locations_path: str): # Get most recent date of data update df_ = ( df.groupby(["entity", "iso_code"], as_index=False) .date.max() .rename(columns={"date": "last_observation_date"}) ) # Add iso and observation date to dataframe df_meta = df_meta.merge(df_, left_on="location", right_on="entity", how="left") # Fill with locations' metadata of countries not updated in this batch # df_meta_current = pd.read_csv(locations_path) # df_meta = ( # pd.concat([df_meta, df_meta_current]) # .sort_values("last_observation_date") # .drop_duplicates(subset=["location"]) # ) # Order columns df_meta = df_meta[ ["location", "iso_code", "last_observation_date", "source_name", "source_website"] ].sort_values("location") return df_meta
[docs] def load(self, df: pd.DataFrame, output_path: str) -> None: # Export data df.to_csv(output_path, index=False)
[docs] def run(self, parallel: bool, n_jobs: int, modules, modules_skip=[]): data = self.extract(parallel=parallel, n_jobs=n_jobs, modules=modules, modules_skip=modules_skip) if data is not None: df = self.transform(data["df"]) df_meta = self.transform_meta(data["meta"], df, PATHS.DATA_HOSP_META_FILE) self.load(df, PATHS.DATA_HOSP_MAIN_FILE) self.load(df_meta, PATHS.DATA_HOSP_META_FILE)
[docs]def run_etl(parallel: bool, n_jobs: int, modules: list, modules_skip: list = []): etl = HospETL(), n_jobs, modules=modules, modules_skip=modules_skip)