Source code for cowidev.utils.s3

"""Most logic from:

import os
import re
import json
import tempfile
from os import path
from typing import Optional, Union

import pandas as pd
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

from cowidev.utils.log import get_logger

logger = get_logger()

[docs]class S3: spaces_endpoint = "" def __init__(self, profile_name="default"): self.client = self.connect(profile_name)
[docs] def connect(self, profile_name="default"): "Return a connection to Walden's DigitalOcean space." self.check_for_default_profile() session = boto3.Session(profile_name=profile_name) client = session.client( service_name="s3", endpoint_url=self.spaces_endpoint, ) return client
[docs] def check_for_default_profile(self): filename = path.expanduser("~/.aws/config") if not path.exists(filename) or "[default]" not in open(filename).read(): raise FileExistsError( """you must set up a config file at ~/.aws/config it should look like: [default] aws_access_key_id = ... aws_secret_access_key = ... """ )
[docs] def upload_to_s3( self, local_path: Union[str, list], s3_path: Union[str, list], public: bool = False, ) -> Optional[str]: """Upload file to Walden. Args: local_path (Union[str, list]): Local path to file. It can be a list of paths, should match `s3_file`'s length. s3_path (Union[str, list]): File location to load object from. It can be a list of paths, should match `local_path`'s length. public (bool): Set to True to expose the file to the public (read only). Defaults to False. """ # print("Uploading to S3…") # Checks _check_s3_local_files(local_path, s3_path) # Obtain bucket & file bucket_name, s3_file = _url_to_path_and_bucket_mult(s3_path) # Upload extra_args = {"ACL": "public-read"} if public else {} try: self.client.upload_file(local_path, bucket_name, s3_file, ExtraArgs=extra_args) except ClientError as e: logger.error(e) raise UploadError(e) return None
[docs] def download_from_s3(self, s3_path: Union[str, list], local_path: Union[str, list]) -> Optional[str]: """Download file from S3. Args: s3_path (Union[str, list]): File location to load object from. local_path (Union[str, list]): Path where to save file locally. """ #"Downloading from S3…") # Checks _check_s3_local_files(local_path, s3_path) # Obtain bucket & file bucket_name, s3_file = _url_to_path_and_bucket_mult(s3_path) # Download try: self.client.download_file(bucket_name, s3_file, local_path) except ClientError as e: logger.error(e) raise UploadError(e)
[docs] def obj_to_s3(self, obj, s3_path, public=False, **kwargs): """Upload an object to S3, as a file. Args: obj (object): Object to upload to S3. Currently: - dict -> JSON - str -> text - DataFrame -> CSV/XLSX/XLS/ZIP depending on `s3_path` value. s3_path (srt): Object S3 file destination. public (bool, optional): Set to True if file is to be publicly accessed. Defaults to False. Raises: ValueError: If file format is not supported. """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as f: output_path = os.path.join(f, f"file") if isinstance(obj, dict): with open(output_path, "w") as f: json.dump(obj, f) elif isinstance(obj, str): with open(output_path, "w") as file: file.write(obj) elif isinstance(obj, pd.DataFrame): if s3_path.endswith(".csv") or s3_path.endswith(".zip"): obj.to_csv(output_path, index=False, **kwargs) elif s3_path.endswith(".xls") or s3_path.endswith(".xlsx"): obj.to_excel(output_path, index=False, engine="xlsxwriter", **kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"pd.DataFrame must be exported to either CSV or XLS/XLSX!") else: raise ValueError( f"Type of `obj` is not supported ({type(obj).__name__}). Supported are json, str and pd.DataFrame" ) self.upload_to_s3(local_path=output_path, s3_path=s3_path, public=public)
[docs] def obj_from_s3(self, s3_path, **kwargs): """Load object from s3 location. Args: s3_path (str): File location to load object from. Returns: object: File loaded as object. Currently JSON -> dict, CSV/XLS/XLSV -> pd.DataFrame, general -> str """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as f: output_path = os.path.join(f, f"file") self.download_from_s3(s3_path=s3_path, local_path=output_path) if s3_path.endswith(".json"): with open(output_path, "r") as f: return json.load(f) elif s3_path.endswith(".csv"): return pd.read_csv(output_path, **kwargs) elif s3_path.endswith(".xls") or s3_path.endswith(".xlsx"): return pd.read_excel(output_path, **kwargs) else: with open(output_path, "r") as f: return
[docs] def get_metadata(self, s3_path): """Get metadata from file `s3_path` Args: s3_path (str): Path to S3 file. Returns: dict: Metadata """ bucket_name, s3_file = _url_to_path_and_bucket(s3_path) response = self.client.head_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=s3_file) return response
[docs]def _url_to_path_and_bucket(s3_path): """Check if S3 path format is correct""" r = "^s3:\/\/([^\/]+)\/((:?(.+)\/)?[^\/]+)$" try: bucket, s3_file =, s3_path).group(1, 2) return bucket, s3_file except: raise TypeError(f"S3 path {s3_path} is not valid! Please check. It should be 's3://bucket/path/to/file'")
[docs]def _url_to_path_and_bucket_mult(s3_path): # Obtain bucket & file if isinstance(s3_path, list): bucket_name = [] s3_file = [] for s in s3_path: b, f = _url_to_path_and_bucket(s) bucket_name.append(b) s3_file.append(f) else: bucket_name, s3_file = _url_to_path_and_bucket(s3_path) return bucket_name, s3_file
[docs]def _check_s3_local_files(local_file, s3_path): if type(local_file) is not type(s3_path): raise TypeError("`local_file` and `s3_path` should be of the same type") if isinstance(local_file, list): if len(local_file) == len(s3_path): raise TypeError("`local_file` and `s3_path` should be of same length") elif not isinstance(local_file, str): raise TypeError("`local_file` and `s3_path` should be of type str or list")
[docs]def obj_to_s3(data: dict, s3_path: str = None, public: bool = False, **kwargs) -> Optional[str]: s3 = S3() s3.obj_to_s3(data, s3_path, public, **kwargs)
[docs]def obj_from_s3(s3_path: Union[str, list], **kwargs) -> dict: s3 = S3() return s3.obj_from_s3(s3_path, **kwargs)
[docs]def dict_to_s3(data: dict, s3_path: str = None, public: bool = False, **kwargs) -> Optional[str]: """Deprecated. Use `obj_to_s3` instead""" s3 = S3() s3.obj_to_s3(data, s3_path, public, **kwargs)
[docs]def str_to_s3(text: str, s3_path: str = None, public: bool = False, **kwargs) -> Optional[str]: """Deprecated. Use `obj_to_s3` instead""" s3 = S3() s3.obj_to_s3(text, s3_path, public, **kwargs)
[docs]def df_to_s3(df: pd.DataFrame, s3_path: str = None, public: bool = False, **kwargs) -> Optional[str]: """Deprecated. Use `obj_to_s3` instead""" s3 = S3() s3.obj_to_s3(df, s3_path, public, **kwargs)
[docs]def dict_from_s3(s3_path: Union[str, list], **kwargs) -> dict: """Deprecated. Use `obj_from_s3` instead""" s3 = S3() return s3.obj_from_s3(s3_path, **kwargs)
[docs]def df_from_s3(s3_path: Union[str, list], **kwargs) -> Optional[str]: """Deprecated. Use `obj_from_s3` instead""" s3 = S3() return s3.obj_from_s3(s3_path, **kwargs)
[docs]class UploadError(Exception): pass