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Data model

To use data from a wide variety of sources, we need to bring it into a common format.

Our format is inspired by Frictionless DataPackage format, which features the following:

  • Tables as the fundamental unit of data
  • One CSV file per table
  • An accompanying YAML file for metadata

We have adapted this format to our needs as follows.

Levels of data

The following diagram presents an hypothetical dataset with two tables (Table A and Table B). Both tables have a primary keys and some indicators.

graph TB

catalog --> dataset
dataset --> ta[table A]
ta --> pka[primary key]
ta --> va1[variable A1]
ta --> va2[variable A2]
dataset --> tb[table B]
tb --> pkb[primary key]
tb --> vb1[variable B1]
tb --> vb2[variable B2]
tb --> vb3[variable B3]

Catalog (owid.catalog.CatalogMixin)

A catalog is a collection of datasets, represented on disk as a folder of folders.

Datasets (owid.catalog.Dataset)

A dataset is a group tables, represented on disk as a folder. Inside the folder, an index.json file containing metadata about the dataset as a whole.

The dataset folder is named after the dataset's short name, which is a unique identifier for the dataset. The short name is used in URLs, and to identify the dataset in the catalog.

The folder contains one or more Feather files, each of which represents a table.

Tables (owid.catalog.Table)

A table is a data file in Feather format (<short_name>.feather) or Parquet format (<short_name>.parquet) with an accompanying JSON metadata file (<short_name>.meta.json).

Feather/Parquet were chosen since they are fast, compact, and preserves types, avoiding the need to describe the types in the table's metadata file.

In Python, the Table class is a Pandas DataFrame extended to support metadata.

The metadata file indicates the primary key of the table, for example:

{ primary_key: ["country", "year"] }

All indicators in the table share the same primary key. Any column of the table that is not in the primary key is considered to be a indicator.

Variables (owid.catalog.Variable)

Each variable represents a single indicator, and is equivalent to a Pandas Series, including its index.

For example, a table with the columns (country, year, population) and primary key (country, year) would have one indicator: population.


To make these data types easier to work with, datasets, tables and indicators must all have a short_name property that uniquely identifies them.

A short name is a lowercase string containing only alphanumeric characters and underscores. It must start with a letter.

Working with this format

The owid-catalog package provides a Python API for working with this format.

It can be installed with:

pip install owid-catalog

and imported into Python with:

from owid import catalog


If you have set your working environment, you will have the owid-catalog from lib/catalog.