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Adding data

There are different ways you can add data to the catalog, depending on your technical expertise. This section describes these different options, explaining when are they most useful.


Learn more about Wizard in this dedicated guideline

The Wizard is an interactive web app that serves as OWID's ETL admin. One of the main uses of Wizard is to create ETL steps, as it is has provides templates to ease the creation of a new step.

Just start it with


And then go to localhost:8053. In there, you will see all options available in Wizard. For the purpose of this guide, we are just interested in those that fall under the section "ETL Steps", with which you can create Snapshot, Meadow, Garden and Grapher steps (and, alternatively, also Fast-Track steps).

When creating a step, you will be presented with a form to fill in the metadata of the step (fields such as namespace, version, date_published, etc.). Based on your input, it will generate the required files in the appropriate snapshots/ or etl/ directories.

Wizard will guide you through the whole process, describing all the steps you need to follow to successfully create a new ETL step.


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Run OWID's ETL admin tool, the Wizard.

..__    __ _                  _
./ / /\ \ (_)______ _ _ __ __| |
.\ \/  \/ | |_  / _` | '__/ _` |
..\  /\  /| |/ | (_| | | | (_| |
...\/  \/ |_/___\__,_|_|  \__,_|

Just launch it and start using it! 🪄

Note: Alternatively, you can run it as streamlit run apps/wizard/


etlwiz [OPTIONS]


  --debug                       Use this flag to enable debug mode and see
  --run-checks / --skip-checks  Environment checks  [default: run-checks]
  --dummy-data                  Prefill form with dummy data, useful for
  --port INTEGER                Application port.
  --help                        Show this message and exit.

Using the Fast-Track

You need Tailscale to access fast-track

Alternatively, run fast-track locally with etl fasttrack --no-commit

While the ETL is excellent for making data reproducible, it is still slower than manual CSV uploads for small datasets. For this reason, we provide an alternative path for small datasets. Fast-track is a tool for importing datasets from Google Sheets. The idea is to keep all data and metadata there and use this interface to import or update the data in the Grapher database, where it can be used to create charts. Fast-track also commits your work to the ETL repository, where you can further process your data with Python.

graph LR

spreadsheet[Google Sheet] --> fast[fast-track] --> data[ETL steps<br><br>YAML metadata] -->|commit| etl
etl --> catalog
etl --> mysql

Import CSV files using Fast-Track

Super fast-track should only be used for data exploration, and never for production datasets.

Super fast-track is a variation of fast-track that imports data directly from CSV files without needing a Google Spreadsheet. It is useful for exploring datasets in Grapher but isn't intended for production datasets. Super fast-track was developed to replace the "Import CSV" functionality in the admin interface. However, it doesn't support adding complex metadata in the ETL like regular fast-track does.

Manually add a dataset to the ETL

If possible, use the Wizard

If you are not familiar with the ETL, it is recommended to use Wizard to add a new dataset. This will ensure that the dataset is added in a consistent way and that all necessary metadata is included.

You will need to add a step to the ETL for each stage of data processing you need to do. The steps are:

graph LR

snapshot --> meadow --> garden --> grapher

Decide on names

The ETL uses a naming convention to identify datasets. To add a dataset, you will need to choose a short name for the data provider (e.g. un, who), which will serve as the namespace to add it to.

You will also need to choose a short name for the dataset itself (e.g. population), which will be used to identify the dataset in the ETL.

What's a short name?

Short names must be unique within a namespace. They must be in lowercase and separated only with underscores. They must not contain any special characters, and should not be too long.

  • ✓ population
  • ✓ electricity_demand
  • ✗ Electricity Demand
  • ✗ electricity-demand
  • ✗ really_long_elaborate_description_of_the_variable_in_question

Create a new branch in etl

git checkout -b data/new-dataset

Snapshot step

  1. Create an ingest script

    • Create a script in snapshots/<namespace>/<version>/<dataset_short_name>.py
    • Create the corresponding metadata DVC file in snapshots/<namespace>/<version>/<dataset_short_name>.<extension>.dvc
    • Run make format && make test to ensure that the step runs well and is well formatted.
  2. Add snapshot data

    uv run python snapshots/<namespace>/<version>/<dataset_short_name>.py

Meadow step

  1. Create the step

    • Path of the step should be similar to etl/steps/data/meadow/<namespace>/<version>/<dataset_short_name>.py.
    • The step script must contain a run(dest_dir) function that loads data from the snapshot and creates a dataset (a catalog.Dataset object) with one or more tables (catalog.Table objects) containing the raw data.
    • Run make format && make test to ensure that the step runs well and is well formatted.
  2. Add the step to the dag, including its dependencies. Add the dependencies for the dataset to the appropriate dag file.

  3. Run the step

    etl run data://meadow/<namespace>/<version>/<dataset_short_name>

Garden step

  1. Create the step

    • Path of the step should be similar to etl/steps/data/garden/<namespace>/<version>/<dataset_short_name>.py.
    • The step must contain a run(dest_dir) function that loads data from the last meadow step, processes the data and creates a dataset with one or more tables and the necessary metadata.
    • Country names must be harmonized (for which the harmonize tool of etl can be used).
    • Add plenty of assertions and sanity checks to the step (if possible, compare the data with its previous version and check for abrupt changes).
    • Run make format && make test to ensure that the step runs well and is well formatted.
  2. Add the step to the dag, including its dependencies. Add the dependencies for the dataset to the appropriate dag file.

  3. Run the step

    etl run data://garden/<namespace>/<version>/<dataset_short_name>

Grapher step

  1. Create the step

    • Path of the step should be similar to etl/steps/data/grapher/<namespace>/<version>/<dataset_short_name>.py.
    • The step must contain a run(dest_dir) function that loads data from the last garden step, processes the data and creates a dataset with one or more tables and the necessary metadata.
    • Run make format && make test to ensure that the step runs well and is well formatted.
  2. Run the step

    etl run data://grapher/<namespace>/<version>/<dataset_short_name>

    Add --grapher flags to etl command to upsert data into grapher database.

    etl run data://grapher/<namespace>/<version>/<dataset_short_name> --grapher

    To test the step, you can run it on the grapher staging database, or using a local grapher.

    The grapher step to import the dataset to Grapher is now automatic

    We have automatic deploys to grapher database from ETL. This means that whenever we push to master, etl --grapher is automatically run and pushes your data to MySQL. This means:

    • You don't have to manually push to grapher. Just merge and wait for CI status on master to turn green.
    • You can still manually push new datasets (a new dataset doesn't have recipe in master yet). This is useful if you want to explore it in grapher, get feedback, iterate on a PR, etc. However, if you manually deploy an existing dataset, it'll be overwritten by the version in master

    Automatic deploys will run on both production and staging. This process is not final, we are still iterating.

  3. Create a pull request to merge the new branch with the master branch in etl. At this point, some further editing of the step files may be required before merging the branch with master.