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Using ChartGPT

This is an experimental tool. Please check with the team if you have questions.

OpenAI credentials

To run the following steps, add your OpenAI API key to your .env file. E.g. OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-....

We have an experimental tool that uses chatGPT to review our titles and subtitles in our chart revisions. Follow these steps to run it:

  • You need to have submitted chart revisions to admin.
  • Then, run
    poetry run etl chart-gpt
    You can check all the available options with --help.
  • This generates new subtitles and titles of the chart revisions and pushes these to the suggested_chart_revisions table. It stores these in the column experimental of this same table.
  • Once this is done running, you can visualise these new subtitles/titles from the admin site. You will see a light blue button showing the model name (gpt-4 or gpt-3.5-tubo). Click it to render the config produced by chatGPT.
  • If you approve while a gpt-based FASTT is rendered, this will be submitted.


  • If someone already ran the command, and some charts already have gpt-based titles/subtitles, you can force overwrite these by using the option --overwrite.
  • By default, gpt-3.5-turbo is used. Change this with the option model-name.
  • We use a custom system prompt, but you can use another one by using the option --system-prompt.

Example calls of etl chart-gpt

Only generate chatGPT revisions for me

Only create these for revisions created by you:

poetry run etl chart-gpt -me

Force overwrite new chatGPT revisions

poetry run etl chart-gpt -f

Other options

Generate revision for chart revision with id 123 using model gpt-4 and a custom system prompt stored in custom-system-prompt.txt file.

poetry run etl chart-gpt -i 123 -n "gpt-4" -t custom-system-prompt.txt