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We use URIs throughout all the ETL to identify files and datasets. The format of a URI varies depending on the step we are dealing with, but in general they follow the following convention:



Most of the time, the prefix will either be snapshot or data. The former is used for snapshots of upstream dat files, and the latter for ETL datasets (with different levels of curation).

Prefix Description
snapshot Used for snapshot steps.
data Used for meadow, garden, grapher and most of the ETL steps where we operate with curated Datasets.
walden ⚠ Deprecated. Used before the introduction of snapshot.
backport Used to import datasets from the OWID database that are not present in the ETL.


The format of the path is different depending on the prefix.

Path for snapshot://



Prefix Description
namespace Used to group files from similar topics or sources. Namespace are typically source names (e.g. un) or topic names (e.g. health).
version Version of the file. Typically, we use the date the file was downloaded in the format YYYY-mm-dd.
filename Name of the downloaded file.
extension Extension of the file.



Path for data://



Prefix Description
channel Denotes the curation level of the dataset. Possible values include meadow, garden, grapher, explorers.
namespace Used to group datasets from similar topics or sources. Namespace are typically source names (e.g. un) or topic names (e.g. health).
version Version of the file. Typically, we use the date the file was downloaded in the format YYYY-mm-dd.
dataset-name Short name of the curated dataset (e.g. un_wpp).


  • Meadow: data://meadow/nasa/2023-03-06/ozone_hole_area
  • Garden: data://garden/nasa/2023-03-06/ozone_hole_area
  • Grapher: data://grapher/nasa/2023-03-06/ozone_hole_area
  • Explorers: data://explorers/faostat/2023-02-22/food_explorer

Path for walden://

walden steps are no longer used. Use snapshot instead.



Prefix Description
namespace Used to group files from similar topics or sources. Namespace are typically source names (e.g. un) or topic names (e.g. health).
version Version of the file. Typically, we use the date the file was downloaded in the format YYYY-mm-dd.
dataset-name Short name of the curated dataset (e.g. un_wpp).

